10 punk bands you need to hear, according to Sheer Mag

Philadelphia has spun out a plethora of amazing punk bands over the years, and Sheer Mag are among the top of the pile. Since 2014, the band have played with tireless ambition and ferocity that mirrors the energy of their ’70s forebears. Now with their third full-length, Playing Favorites, the raucous four-piece are extending their range by tinkering with the winning sound that resonated with so many when they started the band a decade ago. Across 11 songs, Sheer Mag drill down on bigger hooks and deeper feelings without losing any of the chaos. Tina Halladay’s gargantuan voice still dominates, but this time they’re unafraid to lean into dreamier worlds (“Moonstruck”) or disco fervor (“All Lined Up”). It’s another defining statement from a band that unconditionally love rock music and challenge who can be a part of it.

Read more: 20 greatest punk-rock vocalists of all time

In celebration of their new album and tour, guitarist/lyricist Matt Palmer opened up to us about Sheer Mag’s favorite punk bands, from Texan stompers to Olympian D-beat.

Public Acid

A spectacular hardcore band from North Carolina/Richmond full of some of the most genuinely sweet people I’ve ever met. We’ve been playing with Eric and Matt’s bands since Sheer Mag formed in 2014, and it’s been so exciting keeping up with all the music that they’ve made. They just released a new album called Deadly Struggle, which I’ve only listened to a few times (it sounds sick), but their last EP Condemnation is definitely one of my most played punk records of the 2020s.


Nosferatu are an incredible hardcore band from Texas — I don’t know exactly where. Super fast and super intense while still having really memorable riffs and vocals. Society’s Bastard is one of my favorite punk records from the past few years.

Electric Chair

Sheer Mag played with an earlier version of this band called Dirty Work 10 years ago on our first time to Kansas City. Those kids all moved to Olympia, Washington and started this band, and I’ve been a big fan of it from the jump. I think it’s sick that they put out a seven-inch pretty much every 18 months. It has an ’80s hardcore sound, like almost every band on this list. I also love their artwork. It’s always really graphic and fun.

People’s Temple

People’s Temple play a really catchy version of ’80s hardcore, kind of sounding like bands like Articles of Faith and Jerry’s Kids. I love Tony’s vocals and the way he’s able to sound unhinged and melodic at the same time. 

Poison Ruïn

Poison Ruïn is a band I’m really proud to call friends. I love Mac’s songwriting and the weird feudal Wipers/Oi sound he’s figured out for this band. All of their records are essential listening, but the new album H​ä​rvest, out on Relapse Records, could be a good place to start. Also shoutout my beloved Allen for being the first drummer of Sheer Mag.


Phantom are a younger band from New Jersey (somewhere…) and have always really impressed me when they play live. The demo on 11 PM Records is quite good. I don’t know what they sound like — more ’80s hardcore. And it’s sick.

Peace Talks

Peace Talks are an awesome hardcore punk band from Pittsburgh. The new record Progress is political and fierce — I highly recommend it. The band is extremely tight. Rhythmically, they throw in lots of cool twists and turns without feeling too flashy. I also think the lead singer holds the record for most beers I’ve seen drank during a single set! (Foto Club in Philly).

Sniper Culture

This is the only band on this list I’ve never seen played live, but I was pretty blown away when I first heard the Combat Rock seven-inch. I think the production on the record is really cool. It’s actually a pretty unique interpretation of a “lo-fi” recording in my opinion. More on the noisy and sort of arty end of the spectrum. Also, this is one of my favorite album covers in recent memory (drawn by Augie @couple2tree on IG).


This is a very, very good band made up of five super-talented musicians who play really cool and insane version of D-beat hardcore. They’re from Texas, and it’s awesome. Psychedelic Snutskallar and Cellar Dweller are two of my favorite punk records ever. Legends.


Physique are a really loud and raw hardcore D-beat band from Olympia, Washington. They’re noisy and chaotic and super fast and really inspiring. I could never play music like this, but it’s awe-inspiring to watch, and the records are just as powerful as the live experience.

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