Gary Clark Jr. on His New Multi-Genre Symphony, JPEG RAW: Podcast

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Gary Clark Jr. joins Kyle Meredith to talk about JPEG RAW, his first new album in five years. Listen to the new episode above, or wherever you get your podcasts.

The singer-guitarist recaps the eventful five years since his last project, 2019’s This Land, an album that left him feeling burnt out. And yet, he found new energy after the record and its title track took home Best Contemporary Blues Album, Best Rock Performance, and Best Rock Song at the 2020 Grammy Awards. After a tumultuous few years and the birth of his second child, Clark Jr.’s stage was set for a new record — and he determined it’d be a part record.

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During the writing and recording of JPEG RAW, Clark had dreams that he was conducting a symphony, fueling his already grand ambitions. This also led to a rediscovery of his love for the music he listened to as a kid, including artists like Steve Vai and Eric Johnson. “I turned into a 12-year-old kid again. I realized that I kinda went in a certain direction,” he recalls. “As a kid, I was kind of tailored towards this blues thing, but in secret I was listening to Steve Vai. ‘For the Love of God’ was one of my favorite songs of all time; I was watching Eric Johnson on Austin City Limits.

Listen to Gary Clark Jr. talk about JPEG RAW and the last few years of his life above, or watch the interview below. To keep up to date with all the latest from Kyle Meredith With… follow on your favorite podcast platform; and stay up on all our series by following the Consequence Podcast Network.

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